The Vice Chancellor Credit: actov It was a night journey from Nnewi to Nsukka. We faithfully expected it to last for only 2 hours, but we weren't fortunate enough to have a benevolent spirit that will crack our kernels for us. However, the cathedral of trauma that muffled our youthful voices on the journey, paved way for me to lay my humble eyes on that "Transport University" with a Vice Chancellor. I was forced into an ocean of peculiar imagination of on how this 'Transport University with a Vice Chancellor' would function because I deemed it impossible and impracticable. It was a hectic journey; we were packed side by side with heavy and dirty goods. In a row, you have a passenger and a heavy carton of machine parts. In some rows, you have carton of loads piled so high that if the Vice Chancellor accidentally jumps into potholes, it could possibly break a passenger's head, legs and arms, and you would receive sorry from 'All mass transit Vic...
Showing posts from October, 2018